Keeping Your Business Safe: What do Commercial Locksmiths Recommend?

27 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Your business premise is supposed to be well-secured. After all, this is where you keep the products you sell or the equipment you use to produce products or offer services. It's also your responsibility to make sure that your employees and visitors are safe whenever they are in the company building. Since doors are the main entry points, it's vital to ensure they are well secured and conveniently functional. Below are recommendations commercial locksmiths might offer on how to keep your company safe. Read More 

Replacing Electronic Push-Button Car Keys

6 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Replacing a modern electronic car key is a bigger challenge than replacing an older key, but there are ways to save money and time on the process. Unlike the simple mechanical keys of older vehicles, modern electronic push-button car keys include a variety of safety features. By communicating with the car's computer, transponder keys release the immobiliser that stops the engine from working, allowing you to start your car. Because the car won't start without the key being present, some modern cars no longer even require a key in the ignition: you can start your car with simply the press of a button. Read More 

Two steps to take if you lose the remote that locks your garage door

23 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you have lost the remove that you use to lock your garage door, here are two steps you should take when looking for a garage remote replacement: Get the remote replaced as quickly as possible As soon as you realise that your remote has gone missing, you should find a company in your area that offers garage remote replacement services and arrange for them to provide you with a new remote. Read More 

Ways a Commercial Locksmith Can Help You Manage Key Systems

17 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Key management systems, or master key systems, are a way that many businesses maintain entry into specific areas of the building. The idea of the system is to have a standard key system that works for your employees. The keys will only open doors and areas that the employee is assigned to or designated to be in. If they are not designated for that area, the door will remain locked and repeated attempts to enter will be recorded. Read More